Case Study:
Enterprise Mobility Solution
Overhauling the Digital System for Fare Inspection Officers
Discover how we upgrade and overhaul the digital system for fare inspection officers in Singapore
The Problem
The client was facing challenges with their old analogue fare-checking system. They needed to move to a digital system and wanted to implement a smartphone application to connect back to their fare system for fast and seamless checking for all public transport.
Additionally, their inspectors were largely comprised of older individuals who needed upskilling to meet the demands of digital transformation.
The Solution
To address the problem, our team proposed to implement an Enterprise mobility solution to focus on 3 key areas:
1. Improved Data Security
First, we ensure that the new system complied with transport security compliance. This involved enhancing both the backend and frontend security.
We also used the standards of CIS Benchmarks, which are upheld by GovTech to ensure maximum security.
2. Application Infrastructure
We also developed a new application infrastructure, which replaced the old analogue system. The entire fare-checking process is now done on a mobile phone, including mobile printers and a range of accessories.
3. Digital Transformation for The Workforce
Additionally, we facilitated the digital transformation of the workforce, providing training and upskilling opportunities for up to 200 fare inspection officers.
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